Friendships Today

Today friendship has a different meaning. Its driven by selfishness, as a usable material, pleasure, full of jealousy, making other one down , offending, bullying, teasing and harming mentally in anyway possible. 

Some will say , No , it's not true. " I have friends who are not like that." Well yes maybe you have , but even we need to be careful. 

In this world of social media, people judge you what they see and don't understand of what they know. 

It's so hilarious that they judge by not even talking to you anytime. 

Well it doesn't happened with me. I have people around who depict negative vibes towards me. I can sense some negative energies towards me. But , i hardly care now. Although it affects me, but for sometime. The moment i am engaged in my own things. Thoughts set off from my mind. 

But when it comes to friendship, it has changed. Compare friendships of then and now. Isn't it a huge difference. 

Then the friendships were pure. People care , they use to be beside the other friend who is sad , dejected and in sorrow. 

But today it completely opposite. They even will not know that one of your closed ones is no more. When they will get to know , n that best concern they could show, is to text. 

Friends living distant places can be put aside here. But , those who live close by even the scenario is , they text to show them the best possible concern.

How compilated we have become, we aren't aware of. 

They judge you by clothes, your background, your money , you gestures . However, these who judge you by all these physical things are not a right person to be friends with. 

I am sure not. 

So , people should not be taken seriously. Not at all , otherwise in no time you will spoil some days of your life. 

Maybe where you will leave those moments, those people who can be with you forever.  
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