The Supreme Court cleared the deployment of central forces at the West Bengal panchayat elections going to be held on Tuesday, July 8. The Supreme Court ratified the Calcutta High Court’s order to deploy forces, whose discretion is left with the state government to decide. West Bengal has a history of violence during panchayat elections.
The forces will be deployed across 61,636 booths in 20 districts in a single day on July 8, and that is why adequate measures need to be taken. The order came on Tuesday when the vacation bench led by Justices B.V. Nagarathna and Manoj Mishra remarked on the necessity of the force deployment.
A series of vandalism and stone pelting has been witnessed where clashes were held between the Indian Secular Front (ISF) and the Trinamool Congress (TMC). The mayhem took place when the panchayat polls were announced on June 8 of this month.
Infrequent violence has been reported from Bhangar and Budge Budge in South Paraganas and in North Parganas. The BJP, Left, and Congress blamed the ruling Trinamool Congress for creating a hindrance to filing nominations for the upcoming polls.